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Balneotherapy treatments



If for personal reasons you are unable to use our medicinal water pools, you also have the option for a single person bath.

During the bath, the warmth of the thermal water dilates the blood vessels, which results in a reduction of blood pressure, relaxation of the muscles, while the skin pores open and the mineral content of the water is absorbed.

The recommended bathing time is 20-30 minutes.




The Széchenyi Thermal Bath uses inorganic Kolop mud, which is completely odourless, evenly distributed, plastic, retains heat well, does not clump and is easy to wash off the skin after use.

The good heat retention characteristics of the mud make it ideal for keeping the surface of the body warm for long periods. Not only does it cause hyperaemia and dilatation of the blood vessel walls in the particular area of the body, but the hyperaemia (congestion) affects the whole body. This improves blood circulation in the tissues, helps metabolism and relaxes the musculature. Despite being almost imperceptible on their own, the tiny particles hidden in the mud have a significant overall rubbing effect on the surface of the body. In addition, the chemical substances that pass through the pores of the skin also have a significant enough effect.

Mud packs can be used in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the spine and extremities, soft tissue rheumatism, chronic gynaecological inflammation, chronic urological inflammation, dermatological inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, chronic neuropathy, as well as for the pre-treatment of joint contractures, and the post-treatment of injuries caused by accidents.

Duration of treatment: 20 minutes



The name "parafango" is derived from the Italian phrase "fango", which means paraffin and sea mud, a type of treatment material made from a mixture of paraffin oil and mud. It was originally used for medicinal purposes. Mud, a sedimentary clay, which lies at the bottom of the sea and which has been imbued with sea minerals over thousands of years, is capable of reducing arthritis and muscle pain, but is also an excellent choice for treating rheumatic problems. The paraffin component acts as a catalyst in the treatment, helping to keep the mud warm, generating heat and adding an insulating effect. The heat improves lymphatic circulation, while it also increases the flow of oxygenated blood within the tissues and the outflow of toxic substances from the tissues. The parafango, heated to 40 °C, is applied to the affected body part in the form of a hot pack, and then a tight foil wrap is added. The client rests after having been covered with the wrap and then the wrap is easily removed at the end of the treatment session.

This treatment improves blood circulation, increases the oxygenation of body tissues and relieves pain. It is effective for cases of chronic inflammation of the spine and extremities, arthrosis, spondylosis and muscle pain.

Duration of treatment: 30 minutes



The carbonated bath involves micromassage performed by carbonated bubbles adhering to the surface of the skin. In addition, the carbon dioxide bubbles reduce the excitability of cold receptors while they increase the excitability of warm receptors, so that the guest feels the carbonated water to be warmer than its actual temperature. The surface blood vessels start to dilate, resulting in a congestion or hyperaemia that affects the entire body. The main biological effect of carbonated bath treatments is to increase the heart's capacity by improving peripheral circulation, as the heart's blood vessels also dilate, while their function improves, heart rate normalises and blood pressure decreases. More nutrients and oxygen is delivered to the cells and metabolism improves.

Carbonated baths are recommended as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart diseases, myocardial ischaemia, microcirculatory disorders, recovery after vascular surgery, six months after myocardial infarction (for rehabilitation), diabetes, Sudeck's atrophy, osteoporosis, sports injuries (rehabilitation of dislocations, sprains, fractures, muscle injuries), heavy smokers (angiostenosis), and musculoskeletal disorders that are accompanied by circulatory disturbances.

Duration of treatment: 15 minutes